Volunteers needed in Sammamish

There are several events coming up in Sammamish this month that need a lot of volunteer assistance.

There are several events coming up in Sammamish this month that need a lot of volunteer assistance.

Tuesday, August 4 – National Night Out 12-4 p.m. Sammamish City Hall.

Saturday, August 22 – ARAS Rummage Sale. Donate, shop or volunteer. Call Mary Trask for more info. 425-868-8448. Mary@ARASFoundation.org

Saturday August 29 – City of Sammamish 10th Birthday Party.

Saturday August 29 – Chamber of Commerce, Sammamish Nights. Contact Deb Akerstrom at the Sammamish Chamber 425-417-4393 or debakerstrom@me.com.

Wednesday, September 2 – Sustainable September. The Sammamish Farmers Market is celebrating sustainability.

October 10 and 11 – Art Fair at City Hall. Docents, children’s art work assistant, greeters and more.

For information on how to get involved, contact City of Sammamish Volunteer Coordinator Dawn Sanders on 425-295-0556, or dsanders@ci.sammamish.wa.us