The Issaquah city Office of Sustainability will screen a documentary about food and the agricultural importance of seeds 6:30 p.m. Friday at the Issaquah Depot Museum.
“Open Sesame: The Story of Seeds,” released in 2014, examines seeds as the source of all food production and argues that the seminal pods are at risk from modern agricultural practices. It examines the disappearance of the majority of fruit and vegetable varieties available 100 years ago and the risks of seed genetics patented by corporations like Monsanto.
The film is being screened freely as part of Meaningful Movies of Issaquah, a chapter of the Meaningful Movies Project. Movies are typically screened at Blakely Hall in the Highlands on the fourth Wednesday of each month, but is being held at the museum under the sponsorship of the sustainability office.
The Issaquah Depot Museum is located at 78 First Ave. NE in Issaquah.