Variety and space – tips from an expert on how to make home workouts work

By Dave Young Some of the best fitness work you can do need be no further away than your own garage, basement, bonus room, or even carport.

Some of the best fitness work you can do need be no further away than your own garage, basement, bonus room, or even carport.

It’s good to remember that humans as a whole were in a better state of fitness before there were high-tech machines or glitzy globo-gyms.

Before the days of elaborate exercise equipment, fitness seekers were forced to engage in a wide variety of work, not monotonous time on any one machine.

But the truly magic combination of elements that produce authentic fitness is found in the variety of work plus the frequency with which you engage in it.

Everyone gets much better results with a five or six day per week habit.

This is where you can not just hold your own at home, but actually make some powerful improvements over the typical health club routine.

You can create a no-compromise environment that is only steps away from the living room couch; one that you will no doubt visit more often than you would the health club.

A finished den or bedroom is entirely unsuitable as a workout space.

A covered patio, carport, or unfinished basement are good alternatives. And there are no monthly dues.

If the social element of gyms is an attraction for you, why not invite friends over for regular home-gym workouts?

Also, consider finding yourself a great fitness coach to help you learn how to get the most from your workouts.