McCarry will seek re-election

Incumbent Issaquah City Council President Maureen McCarry has announced that she will run for re-election.

Incumbent Issaquah City Council President Maureen McCarry has announced that she will run for re-election.

Last week McCarry formally announced her candidacy for position 5.

“It has been an honor to serve the citizens of Issaquah, helping our community keep the balance of new jobs and respect for the environment,” she said in a press release to the media and supporters.

McCarry wrote that her message has “consistently been to ‘keep the balance’ between the economy and the environment of Issaquah.”

“Despite the state of the national economy, Issaquah remains an economically vibrant place to live,” she wrote. “While the economy has continued to thrive, Issaquah has remained an environmental model for the rest of the country.”

McCarry said that her work had resulted in significant progress in key areas.

“I am proud of my service in preserving 40 acres and expanding Squak Mountain State Park,” she wrote. “I also enjoyed working with the Highlands community, city and developers, to preserve essential wildlife habitats bordering Central Park. During these challenging economic times, I was very pleased we were able to achieve my goal to obtain a 5 percent reduction in the 2009 budget and not raise property taxes on the hard working families in Issaquah. I am committed to making Issaquah the best place to live, work, play, grow and thrive.”