Tell ‘truth’ about redistricting

It would have been more honest if it had read: "Slade succeeds in the most dishonest, swarthy and slimy redistricting gerrymandering in the history of the once stellar state of Washington."

Regarding your headline about redistricting: New neighbors. Gag.

It would have been more honest if it had read: “Slade succeeds in the most dishonest, swarthy and slimy redistricting gerrymandering in the history of the once stellar state of Washington.”

It is a joke.   That part of the woods HATES this side. They are repressive, regressive and very vitriolic self absorbed Didier fans. You can take a trip over and feel it for yourself.

Reichert will be a carpetbagger that they love. Non-starter, non-thinker, non-creative, non-constructive, pro-gun of course, fundamentalist, does not think much of woman, fakes environmentalism, signed Norquists’ pledge and is not that intelligent.

We will forever be stuck in that mold. But this parasite will be in good company with Hastings and McMorris who do not have to do a lick of work while they live off of the taxpayer that they totally dislike.

Do an honest report. Bet you can’t.

Sally Montgomery, Issaquah