The many shades of growth

Letters about Sammamish and its polices appear more and more regularly now that election season is around the corner.

Letters about Sammamish and its polices appear more and more regularly now that election season is around the corner. Some of the letters have valid points, and some are way off the mark.

One persistent letter writer argues founders of the city were, and continue to be, against growth.

Wrong. They were, and are, against irresponsible growth.

This particular writer suggests there are better candidates out there. Unstated is that one of those candidates is his ally, Mike Rutt, a resident of the Town Center whose property wasn’t zoned for 40 units an acre from one per acre and for commercial/retail instead of the 20 units residential that has been recommended.

Anyone who has seen Rutt speak before the planning commission or city council has solid grounds to doubt that his personality is conducive to cooperatively working with other council members, the staff or citizen commissions.

He appears to be one very angry man.

Furthermore, Rutt, along with his letter-writer ally, were part of a group that at one time advocated 9,000 residential units for the Town Center (five times the size of the city’s largest subdivision, Trossachs) office space three or four times the size of Columbia Tower (the 72 story black-colored office building in downtown Seattle) and commercial space three times larger than Bellevue Square for the Town Center — all without the roads, parks and other infrastructure that would be required to support this massive amount of traffic, environmental impact and social disruption, and also ignoring reputable analysis that made it clear Sammamish cannot economically support this level of commercial/office/retail.

This kind of irresponsible growth is what founders of this city opposed. This is far different than the assertions of “no growth.”

Scott Hamilton


Hamilton currently serves on the Sammamish Planning Commission.