People are often surprised at how many borrowing options there are in the King County Library System.
There are a few common things people ask when they learn I’m a librarian. The questions are usually what I’m reading and how to download an ebook. The most common occurrence is a quiet admission that they haven’t been to a library lately because they are embarrassed by having too many fines.
The library system recognizes that kids who continue to learn, read and experiment throughout summer break are better prepared for the next school year. What was once considered the summer reading program has expanded into a Summer Learning Program.
According to family lore, my father would routinely return from school with a note pinned to his shirt by an exasperated teacher. Much to my amusement, my grandmother saved these notes, which were scrawled on school letterhead and reported dastardly wrongdoings like “Gary refused to wear his snow boots at recess” or “Gary hasn’t done his homework – again.”
When I was 16 I participated in a student exchange to Germany. I was delighted when my friends took me to a neighboring town to see “an American film at the cinema.” It sounded so high brow, but I was amused when I learned we were in line for Wayne’s World.
I was two years old when Stars Wars first came out. I’m certain my parents didn’t take a shrieking toddler to the theater so I didn’t see it until eight years later at a slumber party. Today I can’t remember the girl’s name who hosted the party, but I can remember every minute eating popcorn balls on our sleeping bags and watching the movie.
For years my friends and I lived vicariously through our single friend, Tina, who had more dating disasters than anyone. The pinnacle of her dating disasters was the time her boss set her up with another company employee from the IT department. His idea of a romantic dinner consisted of fish sticks, macaroni and cheese (from a box) and cut up apples for dessert. It will come as no surprise they had nothing to talk about. Who wouldn’t have faked a headache?
One of my favorite things to do as a librarian is recommend books. I enjoyed it when Evelyn, a former volunteer, would frequently ask me for recommendations. Her tastes differ from mine so it was always a challenge. One day I made a recommendation for a title that contained a slightly tasteless scene that put her off and she started asking others for recommendations. I was crushed. I should have used Novelist.