In a lawsuit, the state accuses the prolific initiative promoter of getting kickbacks.
Asks residents to forego traditional holiday gatherings due to COVID-19
Statewide office roundup: Schools chief Reykdal in close contest; Secretary of State Wyman fends off challenge.
A King County judge says a law requiring more ballot boxes was an illegal unfunded mandate.
Justices unanimously agreed that voter-approved Initiative 976 is unconstitutional.
In their only televised match-up, the two gubernatorial candidates differed on pretty much everything.
A jump in tax collections cuts a projected $9 billion shortfall in half, acccording to new forecast.
With funding tied to getting students to school, districts are uncertain how much money they’ll receive.
Gov. Jay Inslee and other Democrats are waiting to see what Congress does.
King County among high-risk counties; several school districts will have remote learning in the fall.
Early results for governor, state schools chief, attorney general and more.
Voting ends Tuesday in an election without big rallies and fund-raisers and face-to-face debates
Incumbent Chris Reykdal faces five foes who argue he’s pushing too many state policies on school districts.
The governor urges young people, who are not getting infected the most, to curb their social habits.
Justices: Presidential electors, including Everett man, must keep pledge to back popular vote winner
Gov. Jay Inslee has revised rules to allow self-serve food areas in Phase 2 of the state’s reopening.
Inslee: Starting July 7, businesses do not serve those who do not wear a mask
A citizens panel approved the hikes in 2019. Unable to rescind them, lawmakers look to donate their extra earnings.
Lawmakers said the governor crossed a constitutional line.
His order requires masks and physical distancing, among other measures, to help prevent infections.