In the race for District 5 representative, Position 2, between former Issaquah School Board president Chad Magendanz and educator David Spring, Magendanz was prepared to declare victory Tuesday night as he held on to a 10 point margin.
In the contentious District 5 race for state Senate, Democrat Mark Mullet, a member of the Issaquah City Council, took an early lead over Republican Brad Toft, a mortgage lender. Mullet rolled up 21,061 votes (53.84 percent) to Toft’s 18,054 (46.18 percent).
It’s hard to imagine having a disability, especially if you’ve never been limited as to what you can do.
When Ben Nassif of Bellevue asked Senator Maria Cantwell to look him in the eye and tell him Social Security would still be around when he was eligible, she stepped toward him, looked him in the eye, and shook his hand. Cantwell made a campaign stop at the Issaquah Coffee Company on Friday, Nov. 2, to show support for Mark Mullet, who is in a contentious race for state Senate against, Brad Toft, in District 5.
A horde of zombies descended on the Issaquah Highlands Saturday.
Neighbors whose property could be adversely affected by development of the 120 acres owned by Lakeside Development turned out at the Oct. 25 meeting of the city’s planning policy commission to express their concern.
As the eastern seaboard recovers from its battering by Hurricane Sandy, which combined with a winter storm from the west to be dubbed “Frankenstorm,” we in the Puget Sound area should remember that we are not immune to natural disasters.
No matter what else the various candidates at the Oct. 18 forum agreed or disagreed on, the resonating issue where they basically agreed was providing Washington’s kids with a good education.
Small business, a local success story, is finalist in small business category
There is more need than ever before for kids and their families.
Issaquah’s retail base will expand even more as Marshalls Home Goods and its traditional off-price clothing and shoes plans to open in 2013.
The effort to annex Klahanie is back on the table and Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger has included $100,000 in the proposed 2013 budget to complete a study on its impact.
If you’ve stepped into artEAST Art Center then you know there is a large number of talented artists in the immediate area and Puget Sound.
In an idyllic neighborhood, at the end of a dead-end street, sits a neatly kept home, one among a number of attractive homes with tidy yards.
It’s officially the holiday season as Halloween approaches and fall leaves dot the landscape.
By a vote of 6-1 Tuesday night, the Sammamish city council supported a motion by former mayor Don Gerend, to authorize mayor Tom O’Dell to sign the Association of Washington Cities Mayor’s letter in support of reclassification of marijuana.
The Sammamish real estate market seemed to have fared better than Issaquah’s in January per the latest statistics from the Northwest Multiple Listing Service.
Test pits dug out by developer Buchan Homes has resident’s in and around Sammamamish’s Chestnut Estates neighborhood up in arms.
In a relaxed atmosphere, the Sammamish City Council welcomed the two newest members of the council. Ramiro Valderrama, elected to seat 4, and Tom Vance, elected to seat 6 took the oath of office, before the council nominated and unanimously chose former deputy mayor Tom Odell as the city’s new mayor, and John James as the new deputy mayor.
There was a slight bump in median sales price on residential properties in Issaquah last month, with prices up 5.24 percent from $495,000 a year ago to $520,944 last month. In Sammamish the median price was down 1.90 percent, from $420,000 a year ago to $412,000 last month.