A call to fight King County’s appeal on trail

In very obvious retrospect, it is apparent now that only Ramiro Valderrama and Nancy Whitten didn’t drink the goodwill Kool-Aid King County was serving.

As a Sammamish resident living along the East Lake Sammamish Trail, I have followed the actions of the Sammamish City Council very closely.  In very obvious retrospect, it is apparent now that only Ramiro Valderrama and Nancy Whitten didn’t drink the goodwill Kool-Aid King County was serving.  The façade of interest in and concern for resident inputs covering tree removal, privacy intrusion, and storm water runoff built by Kathy Huckabay and Tom Vance crumbled under the Permit Appeal filed by King County in July. It was always just a farce.

The question now becomes “Now What?” Will the council use the power they have to work through these issues with the King County Executive and give us a trail that reflects the concerns of trailside residents or will we see something else?  I know what to expect and appreciate the positive efforts of Ramiro Valderrama in this regard. I ask the other members of the Council to show similar concern for their constituents who are trailside residents and fight King County throughout this appeal process.


Gene Morel, Sammamish