Be careful with Issaquah’s future

I am interested in the Central Issaquah Plan and realize that it is a complex, long term planning effort. Even so I am concerned that the decisions that we make now are going to impact my quality of life. Is this density of development appropriate for Issaquah?


I am interested in the Central Issaquah Plan and realize that it is a complex, long term planning effort. Even so I am concerned that the decisions that we make now are going to impact my quality of life. Is this density of development appropriate for Issaquah?

More specifically:

The cost of roads, parks, schools, maintenance and many other items is very high. The current residents should not be shouldering this burden. How this the plan going to prevent the cost burden from shifting to my shoulders?

I am afraid that Issaquah will lose its identity in this push for economic vitality. We don’t need to be Bellevue. We need to be a better Issaquah. Please focus on what makes Issaquah a wonderful place now, then improve it.

Frankly I wonder if the market is for all of this development? It certainly isn’t here now. Where is the part of the plan that looks at what is going to happen in the interim? Please dial it back and keep it real.

I live, work and play in Issaquah because I like it. I want a say in how it grows, yet this plan edits me out of the process. Please include me in the decisions happening in my own town.

Bryan Weinstein, Issaquah