A recent writer wants to blames the Democrats for all the issues our state faces, claiming because they have had majority control they have created this mess. That could not be further from the truth.
The reality is the economy has caused this mess. The loss of revenue to a system based entirely on taxes from those revenues will always fail during an economic downturn.
It is the party that is in charge (there can only be one at a time based on our system) that is blamed, yet Republicans never blame their own and call for removal of their own. Solidly RED states such as Idaho are having the same issues; where are the calls for more Democrats to be elected there?
This idea to change the party in charge during these times is just repeated insane behavior. History has shown this does nothing to solve the issues. Just like the Republicans in the House will fix nothing in the next two years. I hope I hear the same calls for “kicking out the bums” in 2012 from those calling for it in 2010.
Michael T. Barr, Sammamish