In the beginning, Issaquah Highlands offered a vision of a green community that would reduce dependency on cars. Now, it seems to be morphing into something else.
We are told that because of the economic downturn the city must permit something that was originally determined too environmentally dangerous – a gas station. We are now told that the promises of a grocery store and a cinema hinge on being allowed to build this gas station.
The city has no need for another gas station – there are plenty of already existing stations in close proximity. And even though Swedish Hospital has emergency gas tanks, they do not compare to a gas station where tanker trunks must frequently refill. Today’s lined tanks are not risk free. They eventually leak, especially in wet climates like ours.
It would be downright reckless to allow a gas station to be built above the aquifer. Contamination of the aquifer would result in astronomical costs to taxpayers.
Issaquah Highlands is a part of the city, and we all want it to thrive. However, the safety and welfare of the whole city must take first priority. Maintain protection of the aquifer – no gas station.
Jerry Burns, Issaquah