Re: (“Health cuts will hurt us all warns Swedish physician,” Sammamish Reporter, May 8, 2009)
Hooray for Dr. Milne. We need more doctors who understand the big picture.
If we do not provide medical insurance for the under-insured now, the taxpayer will end up paying more later, as many current treatable diseases progress to catastrophic illnesses, later.
Obviously, it is less expensive to provide preventive care now, in the doctor’s office, then to “crisis manage” the patient’s illness in the intensive care units of our hospitals where a preventable disease will be signifantly more expensive to treat.
I am helping Obama, with other concerned citizens, to push through Congress a strong Single-Payer Option.
Those who can afford the insurance companies medical programs can keep them.
We are rallying every Thursday at 5 p.m. on the corner of 8th NE and 116th in front of the Overlake Hospital to express our support for Obama’s Health Care plan, with no restrictions.
We can no longer allow greedy, insensitive, for-profit insurance companies dictate American citizen’s health by bribing corrupt politicians to fight our citizen’s rights to proper health care.
Dawn C. Remington