Issaquah needs to synchronize lights

The announcement that the city of Issaquah would begin using yellow left-turn signals is a tremendous step forward in improving the traffic flow in some areas. But, what about the traffic flow issues on SR 900?


The announcement that the city of Issaquah would begin using yellow left-turn signals is a tremendous step forward in improving the traffic flow in some areas. But, what about the traffic flow issues on SR 900?

Clearly this route needs a careful review to establish some semblance of order so that there can be a more even flow of traffic, not only at rush hour, but also at other high volume times.

The traffic lights bear no resemblance to any order. Synchronizing the lights in some way is needed drastically. The often heavy backup north from Gilman Boulevard to the ramps at I-90 (and resulting backup south past Gilman), is, without a doubt, ridiculous and solvable with some thought of synchronization. And while the buses may need a special light, it should be timed to the use of red lights at Newport Way.

Further, too often the cross street lights are green for too long, i.e., Maple Street., that interferes with even flow. Even the use of the yellow left-turn signals should be considered.

The city of Kirkland received a federal grant to synchronize lights. Has Issaquah looked into such a grant? If not, why not?

Greer Allen, Issaquah