Regarding the Beaver Lake Master Plan: I am opposed to the redevelopment of the sports fields and would like to see this area converted to passive use, i.e. native trees, shrubs and flowers, interpretive trails, ecology exhibits and passive recreation.
The noise level currently is unacceptable and the current options include lights and artificial turf.
It should be noted that when the park was purchased by King County the county conducted a vote of the community and we voted for “no lights.”
This commitment should be honored by Sammamish for legal, ethical, and moral reasons.
Also, the issue of artificial turf raises environmental concerns related to possible leaching of toxic chemicals into the soil and the ecosystem in general.
This 83 acre park surrounded by a residential area is the wrong place for a sports complex to be used over an extended period of time.
The addition of lights is totally unacceptable because of noise levels and traffic.
This plan severely compromises the quality of life in this area and is clearly an example of poor planning.
There are fields at Skyline, Eastlake, Eastside Catholic, Klahanie. Issaquah Highlands, NE Sammamish, Pine Lake, Marymoor and Lake Sammamish. Considering the unfortunate trend of high density development (planned blight) we need more parks and natural areas to passively enjoy and study nature while enhancing our sense of physical and mental well being.
Richard A. Sano