Make Sound Transit show its capacity

Sound Transit’s second of four weekend partial closures of the I-90 bridge to implement changes required for adding fourth lanes to the bridge outer roadways. They currently don’t intend to finish the modifications and allow commuters to use the added lanes until 2017.

The Nov. 13 Bellevue Reporter included an article about Sound Transit’s second of four weekend partial closures of the I-90 bridge to implement changes required for adding fourth lanes to the bridge outer roadways. They currently don’t intend to finish the modifications and allow commuters to use the added lanes until 2017.

Sound Transit should be required to expedite modifying the outer roadway and substantiate the 2008 DEIS claim: “Travel times across I-90 for vehicles and trucks would also improve or remain similar with East Link” by temporarily closing the center roadway.

Their current plan to delay the lanes until it’s too late to prevent center roadway closure poses an unacceptable risk for commuters.

Bill Hirt
