Malchow’s priorities mirror city’s needs

I am endorsing Christie Malchow for Sammamish City Council. I know Christie personally and I am in awe of her passion for this city that we live in.

I am endorsing Christie Malchow for Sammamish City Council.  I know Christie personally and I am in awe of her passion for this city that we live in.

Christie, along with her husband and two little girls,  volunteer constantly in the community and are very invested in keeping Sammamish a wonderful place to live.  Along with her passion for our city she is an informed, concerned and involved citizen.

Christie’s priorities are right in line with what I believe our city council should be focusing on: responsible growth, financial stability and accountability, transparency in government, transportation, infrastructure and the environment.

I do not believe that the majority of our current council have the same priorities and it is time for a change.

There is a lot at stake in this November’s vote and I encourage you not only to vote, but to vote for Christie Malchow.

Heather Foglio, Sammamish