Now is a great time to be kind | Letter

The Lunar New Year on Feb. 8 will provide yet another opportunity to bring about some solutions for making our neighborhoods, cities, states and nation friendlier.

The Lunar New Year on Feb. 8 will provide yet another opportunity to bring about some solutions for making our neighborhoods, cities, states and nation friendlier.

Many city councils are reaching out to learn what the public feels about certain issues. Granted theymight not be able to solve everyone’s problems but perhaps it is possible to listen to whateveryone wants to share.

Would it be beneficial for all of us to make another resolution for 2016 where we aremore welcoming to our family, friends and neighbors?

Improv theater utilizes the phrase “yes, and …” to keep the dialogue rolling and stayingaway from a negative response, which usually ends the conversation. Now seems to be agreat time to resolve to take it upon ourselves to be more cordial, positive, reply with asmile and a “yes, and …”

Larry Crandall
