There are two articles in the Sept. 11 issue of the Reporter that once again depict the spirit of our two communities.
The first, on page 8, is a request for involvement in breaking a Guinness World Record for the most contributions to a painting by the numbers. Creative Children Charity along with the Sammamish Y and ArtEAST are trying to get over 2,900 people during the 2015 Salmon Day Weekend to participate in the quest for the record. This can be accomplished by stopping by the ArtEASt on Front Street and painting a salmon. Participating in a record setting event such as this will definitely depict the great community spirit of our area.
The second article, on page 1, and also written by Megan Campbell, is a heartwarming story of the involvement of Dawn and John Sanders in Vietnam. John is working with Peace Winds American on preparedness and disaster relief for the area while Dawn is involved with a local orphanage. The unselfish compassion of these two individual probably could be summed up by the phrase, Ambassadors Without Borders.
Hopefully both of these stories will be an inspiration for the residence of our area to share and stay involved with worthwhile endeavors.
Larry Crandall Sammamish