The House version of the farm bill, which Rep. Dave Reichert sadly voted yes on, includes a potentially devastating provision authored by Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa.
Is this the same Issaquah City Council that laudably considered all variables and enacted a forward thinking decision to eliminate plastic bag use in Issaquah?
The June 14th issue of The Reporter contained a column, “Bikes following the road rules.” I am a cyclist who commutes to work and rides with a group and follows most of the rules of the road.
The June 7 issue of the Issaquah/Sammamish Reporter contained op/ed about the recent Supreme Court decision to allow authorities to collect DNA samples from (presumed innocent) citizens who have been arrested for any reason. To equate fingerprints to DNA is like comparing a single word on a piece of paper with an encyclopedia.
Regarding the May 31 article, “Crossing party lines for climate change,” the irony for this group is that it probably was fossil fuels that got them there.
It’s alarming when you receive a letter in the mail from your water company that the drinking water is unsafe due to high e. coli contamination. It really hits the panic button when you’ve got small children and infants.
After reading the May 17 article (Issaquah doctor helps women in Bangladesh) and like so many of the feel-good stories I have read in the past about local residents taking up the cause to help with services and donations to far flung countries, I thought I would issue this challenge.
A big shout-out to our fine local firefighters who responded so promptly during the May 13 windstorm, when a tree fell on our house and broke the large skylight.
The May 10 front page article does a disservice to the timber industry and promotes the waste of public money.As a graduate forester with a 30-year career in the timber industry, I do have some standing to comment on the article.
I am disgusted by the level to which the national debate on (gun control)has sunk. Mr. Howard’s recent letter is prescient – comparing knives and baseball bats to firearms is the latest example that he and the NRA have concocted.
Life should be about our “values,” and it should be reflected in our state and federal budgets.
When Sammamish voters elected John Curley did they think they were getting the genial “Evening Magazine” host or did they know they were getting a tea-baggy/taxation is theft crank?
I have spent the last 10 years supporting our children in our schools in our Issaquah community. During that time, I have had the honor of working with Alison Meryweather, who is running for the open seat on the Issaquah School Board.
I find it extremely ironic that “the city doesn’t want big box stores in the Central Issaquah Plan, since the map included in the article points out that the entire area of the CIP is in fact covered by big box stores large enough to be seen from space.
I have to laugh at Michael Barr’s Feb. 22 letter in reference to my letter and others because, like Jared Oh, he is also in desperate need of a civics lesson.
Regarding Jared Oh’s Jan. 28 letter of January 28, he does not understand that sane, law abiding citizens need to keep and bear modern military small arms so they can be called up by the governor in emergencies to augment the Washington National Guard, or by the King County Sheriff to augment the police (reference Federalist Paper no 46 and USC 10 Section 311).
Jared Oh’s letter (“Focus on Assault Weapons,” Feb. 1) shows that he is misinformed and ignorant of the facts.
Jared Oh’s letter regarding assault weapons contains several stellar examples of faulty logic. But in the interest of space, let’s touch on two.
The shootings at a Colorado movie theater (12 died and 58 were injured), at an Oregon mall (three were killed) and at a Connecticut elementary school (20 children died) all had something in common — assault rifles. Because of their ability to kill many people in a short amount of time, such weapons, and the sales of new ones, should be banned.
I appreciate the brief opinion offered in “Guns, Again – First Step: stop the killing power,” but I do not think having safer guns (e.g., magazines with fewer bullets) is a solution and it is not a certain root cause, especially when you consider the chain of events leading up to “pulling the trigger.”