I read, with great interest Celeste Gracey’s July 6 article “Law means money for Swedish.”Kudos to John Milne, vice president of Swedish Hospital’s Medical Affairs, for taking a thoughtful, balanced approach to the Affordable Care Act (sometimes referred to as “Obama Care.”)
I was chagrined that you would print a misleading, strongly pro-charter schools opinion piece by Jami Lund, of the Freedom Foundation, a (what you called “free market” when it is really “for-profit-feeding-on-public-funds) non-evidence based “think” tank.
Over the past few years, Rep. Dave Reichert has stood apart in Congress as a leader who understands the direct ties between protecting our land, air and water and a strong Washington state.
The Board of Directors of Life Enrichment Options (LEO) would like to thank the caring citizens of Sammamish for their contributions that made our dream of a home for young adults with developmental disabilities come true.
I take exception to your May 5 editorial ion that Susan G. Komen for the Cure did damage to themselves attempting to pull funding from Planned Parenthood.
The arrogance of ex-Californians to tell everyone else how to drive, LOL!
On April 29, we celebrated our seventh annual ARAS African Bike Drive by collecting 700 bikes plus parts bound for Africa.
I just wanted to tell you how much I liked this article (“Assimilate this, Seattle,” Opinion, April 20).
I see by the news that the Romney campaign spent up to $12,000 per vote in some of the primary contests.
I grew up in Fresno, CA. Before graduation from high school, every student there received one year of driver education. One semester was lecture and the second semester was behind the wheel in new Chevrolets. The experience proved good drivers are made not born.
Reasonable people including Rep. Dave Reichert voted against it, but the U.S. House of Representatives still passed an amendment this month that would make it harder for presidents to protect the places we care about as national monuments.
Thank you for having the courage and creativity to write “Assimilate this.”
Maybe the good people of Seattle do have an attitude about suburbanites, which I would offer, is justified and reinforced by Celeste Gracey’s recent rant, “Assimilate this, Seattle”.
Kevin Endejan’s March 30 column on merging traffic is what I have been saying since I moved here in 1977.
I want to commend John Curley and other council members who are in favor of the very logical idea of setting up a process to count how many people actually use the city parks and in what way.
I read with interest Kevin Endejan’s column, “Let’s Learn to Merge” (Issaquah Reporter, March 30). You have hit the nail right on the head.
In just a few weeks, your ballot will arrive for the spring election and I am urging you to vote YES for the Issaquah School District’s bond campaign.
We all know that growth and enrichment for our city is to be expected. The question is, do we want to manage it in a carefully planned manner or have thrust upon us? Either way, it’s coming.
The Washington State Patrol would like to thank all the wonderful people of Washington who showed their compassion and care following the tragic death Trooper Tony Radulescu.
When three Democratic senators joined all 22 Republican senators Feb. 2 in passing a Senate budget, they broke the public’s trust in two important ways: first, by going back on their promise to make education a priority, and second by denying the public any opportunity to comment on the proposed budget.