Read the facts, not propaganda
We can all agree that Issaquah is a special place to live. Many of us absolutely cherish this beautiful city we call “home.” Many of you put in countless hours volunteering for the betterment of our community, always trying to find ways to improve what we treasure while maintaining the quality of life we enjoy.
We all know that growth and enrichment for our city is to be expected. The question is, do we want to manage it in a carefully planned manner or have thrust upon us? Either way, it’s coming.
Recently, I noticed several “Eyes on Issaquah” signs pop up in my neighborhood as well as on the Issaquah Valley Floor. With curiosity, I reviewed the site.
This website illustrates an example of propaganda-charged material posted in an effort to instill doubt in the minds of the community (and our decision-makers) to put a stop to the Central Issaquah Plan (CIP) under the guise of convincing people to get involved.
I completely support and encourage the premise that everyone should get involved and applaud the few that take the time to attend all the meetings to provide their input. However, what is disingenuous about this website is the misrepresentation of the data and asserted “facts.”
Our Issaquah citizens are better informed than this and know that the city, along with the citizen-represented Issaquah Central Issaquah Plan Task Force, worked diligently to gather the appropriate data that comprise its recommendations.
Members of this task force are volunteers that spent countless hours putting this document together, which had exceptional citizen representation from so many disciplines.
I recommend to all concerned citizens to do your own research, not rely on this website as your only source of information regarding the CIP. Go to the City’s website at, review the plan yourself, visit Forterra at to review why we are a Cascade Agenda city, and then craft your own opinions based on your own research.
We need to build our community by working together, not by tearing it down.
Renee Zimmerman, Issaquah Highlands