Reichert votes against America, troops

I must take issue with Fred Caponigro’s Sept. 5 letter stating that, among other things, Dave Reichert is doing a good job for the 8th District.


I must take issue with Fred Caponigro’s Sept. 5 letter stating that, among other things, Dave Reichert is doing a good job for the 8th District. I know for a fact that Reichert has consistently voted against any help for our military and their families or to fix the economy. Reichert is a Republican bobblehead who votes for continued gridlock and against Americans.

It’s hilarious that Mr. Caponigro thinks President Obama is a dictator. Obama’s worst fault is that he capitulates with the Republicans who have vowed to oppose everything he does to clean up the horrifying messes left by George W. Bush, whose presidency was such an embarrassment that he wasn’t even invited to attend his party’s 2008 convention. Mr. Caponigro needs to turn off Fox “News” and get some facts instead.

Everyone I know is voting for Jason Ritchie, Reichert’s Democratic opponent, because we are sick of Reichert and his 9 percent approval-rated ilk constantly voting against Americans.

Republicans are very good at one thing – projecting their abject failures onto others – in IMAX.

Mary Hall, Issaquah