Rock on

I greatly appreciate the editorial written by Jake Lynch in the March 5 issue, (“For those about to rock,” The Reporter, March 5) on the desirability of business people promoting venues in Sammamish and Issaquah for music (especially rock bands) and art.

While much more could and should be done, I would call attention to the activities which are already underway on Front Street in Issaquah, partly because of the owner of one building, Keith Watts.

At that location there are three art and music enterprises. Two focus on art. Museo Art Academy conducts art classes for children, and Art by Fire teaches glassblowing.

Kaleidoscope School of Music has seven studios with more than 20 instructors in various forms of music. Kaleidoscope especially prepares its rock students to perform in bands, which they have done regularly at ArtWalk, Salmon Days, car shows, and others.

Again, thank you for your support of these very desirable activities in our community.

Buck McCrone
