Stop the fear-mongering on guns

Jared Oh's letter regarding assault weapons contains several stellar examples of faulty logic. But in the interest of space, let's touch on two.

Jared Oh’s letter regarding assault weapons contains several stellar examples of faulty logic. But in the interest of space, let’s touch on two.

Oh claims the common denominator to some mass shootings is the assault weapon. Actually, the most common denominator to ALL mass shootings – not just three, and including the tragedy at Newtown – is the “gun-free zone.” That brilliant idea came from the same geniuses who now believe “banning” a certain weapon will stop a certain kind of crime.

That’s like saying if we just got rid of forks, nobody would be fat.

But Oh also stated: “The federal government should have the right to enter private property and inspect your assault weapon . . . .”

I read that statement three times. Then I read it out loud to my husband. Then, I walked over to the map, making sure we were still in the United States of America.

Oh clearly enjoys his right to free speech. But he needs to bone up on US history. His free speech came from fighting – with guns, I might add – against the British. Our Constitution then granted certain rights to the people, NOT to the government. Our forefathers knew that power always corrupts, always. I wonder how Oh would react if I suggested, “The government should have the right to enter private property and inspect anyone’s notes and letters and journals . . . .”

But I would never suggest that. Because while I don’t agree with Oh’s opinion, I do support his right to state it. That is America. Let’s hope the anti-gun fanatics will recognize truth and quit fear-mongering away our rights as citizens.

Sibella Giorello, Issaquah