
The Best Multivitamin For Testosterone Support in 2024

After decades of research, most people know the benefits of getting enough vitamins and minerals on a person’s overall well-being, health, and lifestyle. However, what many people still do not realize is that they can also have a fantastic effect on testosterone levels.

As healthy testosterone levels play a role in everything from a man’s sexual performance, libido, vitality, and ability to get an erection to a person’s sleep quality, energy levels, muscle mass, and exercise performance in the gym, being able to increase them offers great promise for millions of people.

However, while a balanced meal plan can help people increase their intake of vitamins and minerals sufficiently to improve their health, it is not always enough to increase testosterone levels. Specific multivitamins are a good option, as they can act like testosterone boosters.

The problem is that these supplements use wildly varying formulas, so they don’t work the same, making picking the right one difficult. That is why we created this guide to the best multivitamins to boost testosterone levels in 2024, to give everyone the advice they need to find the right one to make a positive impact.

Reviewing The 10 Best Multivitamins for Testosterone Support In 2024

Let’s continue to the ten best multivitamins for boosting testosterone levels in 2024. By comparing vital details like their formulas, dosages, range of benefits, form, and price, we have compiled a list that should feature a perfect supplement to help everyone boost testosterone to optimal levels.

It is also worth mentioning that, as testosterone is the male sex hormone, it is a subject that is most associated with men. Many of the supplements we talk about will, therefore, be geared towards them, but they can all safely be used by women who are looking for testosterone support as well.

  • Prime Male T Vitamins
  • Transparent Labs Multivitamin
  • Optimum Nutrition Opti Men
  • Smarty Pants Organic Men’s Multi & Omegas
  • Nature Made Multi For Him
  • VitaFusion Men’s Multi
  • Tropical Oasis Men’s Mega Premium Multivitamin
  • MegaFood Men’s One Daily
  • Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men
  • New Chapter One Daily Every Man’s Multivitamin

Prime Male T Vitamins – Best Overall


Prime Male T Vitamins is a supplement made by one of the top manufacturers of men’s health products that is loaded with optimal doses of many essential vitamins and minerals, plus a few other nutrients.

Easily the best vitamin supplement on the market for boosting testosterone, it can also improve your bone, brain, immune system, muscle and sexual organ health and functions, energy levels, focus, mood, recovery time, and strength, reduce anxiety and stress, and offer numerous other health benefits.

Additive, filler, heavy metal, and gelatine-free, produced in FDA and GMP-approved facilities, third-party tested, and extremely reasonably priced, it is a supplement that virtually everyone can use. It can even be combined with the other testosterone supplements in their range for even better results.

Ingredients: Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamin E, vitamin K2, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, taurine, l-carnitine l-tartrate, l-arginine HCL, blueberry extract, pomegranate extract, coenzyme q10, lycopene (from tomato), and boron (as boron chelate)


  • It contains optimal doses of countless vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
  • It can support your body and brain health
  • Doubles as a testosterone booster
  • Very reasonably priced
  • Third-party tested and made in highly regulated facilities



Prime Male T Vitamins is easily the best multivitamin on sale to support healthy testosterone levels in 2024. It will double up as a testosterone booster and benefit your body and brain in countless other ways, making it a supplement that can support your gym workouts and health.

Transparent Labs Multivitamin – Best Value


Transparent Labs Multivitamin‘ is among the best supplements today, especially if you need an energy boost. It is loaded with ingredients that can benefit your testosterone levels, and it is also extremely reasonably priced.

This supplement, being an artificial color, artificial sweetener, GMO, and gluten-free, is suitable for almost everyone to use. Furthermore, it benefits your health in numerous ways beyond just boosting testosterone. This includes helping you rest and perform physically and improving sleep, muscle mass, and skin quality.

Unfortunately, we do have to mention that, as is often the case with cheaper supplements, the dosages used in the formula and its overall size are both quite limited, so it will not increase testosterone to the same extent as the supplement above it on this page.

Ingredients: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, biotin, Vitamin B5, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, chloride, sodium, potassium, organic ashwagandha root extract, coenzyme Q10, and boron citrate


  • Great for people with low energy levels
  • Can increase testosterone levels
  • Very reasonably priced
  • Artificial color, artificial sweetener, GMO and gluten-free


  • It contains a smaller range of ingredients than some more expensive supplements.
  • It has to be purchased directly from the official Transparent Labs website
  • Some of the ingredient dosages are a little low


The Transparent Labs Multivitamin will never be known as the most potent or diverse supplement of its kind. However, if you are interested in boosting your testosterone levels while shopping on a slightly tighter budget, it is still one of the better options you have available to try.

Optimum Nutrition Opti Men – Best For Stress Management


Optimum Nutrition Opti Men is a gluten-free supplement made by a well-known and respected brand. It is widely accepted as one of the best supplements for boosting testosterone levels.

Beyond that, it is also perfect for the body in many other ways, like reducing stress, keeping the bones, muscles, and nerves healthy, and helping support optimal immune system health and function.

Unfortunately, it must be noted that as many of its ingredients are present in low dosages or lacking in research, it can’t be relied on to substitute food to support your overall health to quite the same extent as some of the other supplements we have looked at, despite the fact it is one of the most expensive.

Ingredients: Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, alpha-tocopherol, phytonadione, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, choline, calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, sodium, l-arginine, l-glutamine, l-lysine, l-cysteine, l-isoleucine, l-leucine, l-valine, l-threonine, green tea extract, hesperidin, garlic powder, grape extract, apple powder, carrot powder, pineapple juice powder, wild yam root powder, orange juice powder, spinach powder, broccoli powder, Brussels sprout powder, kale powder, cauliflower powder, bilberry fruit powder, black currant fruit powder, blueberry powder, cranberry powder, elderberry fruit powder, grape powder, kiwi powder, papaya powder, Panax ginseng root extract, nettle leaf extract, gum Arabic, organic ginkgo leaf extract, saw palmetto fruit extract, oyster extract powder, pumpkin seed extract, papain, amylase, bromelain, lipase, alpha lipoic acid, inositol, boron, lycopene, lutein, vanadium, and zeaxanthin


  • It contains a very diverse range of natural ingredients
  • Great for boosting the immune system, muscle, nerve, and bone health
  • It can provide a decent lift in testosterone levels
  • Gluten-free


  • Many ingredients are present in a low dose or lacking in research
  • Very expensive


Optimum Nutrition Opti Men is a decent supplement for supporting healthy testosterone levels. However, it doesn’t expect to support overall health to the same extent as some of the other supplements we have examined.

Smarty Pants Organic Men’s Multi & Omegas – Best For Cardiovascular Health


Smarty Pants Organic Men’s Multi & Omegas is unique for supplements of this kind. It contains many healthy fats and is a nice-tasting, organic, gluten-free, fruit-flavored gummy suitable for people with an empty stomach.

It can support the health and function of the heart, bones, eyes, joints, and immune system; reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation; aid pain relief; improve sleep duration and quality; boost libido and testosterone levels; and generally help you enjoy better overall health and quality of life.

Unfortunately, it must be pointed out that, by essentially trying to be three supplements in one, it spreads itself relatively thin, and the dose of each ingredient is relatively low. This means it is only a good option for people who hope to achieve the specific combination of benefits that it offers.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, iodine, zinc, selenium, sodium, organic flaxseed oil (containing omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids), phytonadione, inositol, and bacillus subtilis


  • Combines the effects of multivitamin, omega, and testosterone supplements
  • Organic, gluten-free, and pleasant tasting
  • It does not require you to swallow any pills or capsules


  • It is not as effective in any one area as a dedicated supplement


Smarty Pants Organic Men’s Multi & Omegas boasts all the positives and negatives of supplements that try to do multiple things. It is an excellent choice if you want the specific combination of benefits that it offers, including higher testosterone levels, but if not, you are better off looking elsewhere.

Nature Made Multi For Him – Best Budget Option


Nature Made Multi For Him is a budget-friendly, color, artificial flavor, and gluten-free supplement containing all its ingredients in one tablet serving. This makes it a decent option for people with low testosterone who are not keen on swallowing handfuls of pills.

It can offer a selection of benefits, including an improved metabolic rate and quality of sleep, better energy and testosterone levels, and enhanced vitality and bone, heart, muscle, and immune system health and functions.

We need to mention, though, that, as with other cheaper supplements we discussed above, most of the ingredients are in relatively low doses. This means they will not be able to benefit the body to the same extent that they usually could.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, tocopherol, phytonadione, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum


  • It contains a good range of vitamins and minerals
  • Gluten-free
  • Capable of increasing testosterone levels
  • It has a small price tag and serving size


  • Most of the ingredients are present in relatively low doses


When discussing the most potent supplements of this nature, Nature Made Multi For Him is likely not an option that will come up often. However, if you want to boost testosterone levels and your health while shopping on a very tight budget, it can still be a good option for you to try.

VitaFusion Men’s Multi – Best Gummy


VitaFusion Men’s Multi is a gluten, dairy, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweetener, and flavor-free supplement in a fruit-flavored gummy form. It is a good option for people who don’t like or can’t swallow pills or capsules or want a supplement that is enjoyable to use.

It improves your energy, testosterone levels, and metabolic rate, supports the immune system, bones, skin, and heart, enhances red blood cell production and prostate health, and offers several other beneficial effects for the human body.

Unfortunately, the range of vitamins and minerals it contains is relatively small, meaning the effects it produces will be too, while the number of additives it contains is quite large.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D3, tocopherol, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, iodine, zinc, chromium, sodium, molybdenum, and boron


  • It tastes great and does not require you to swallow any pills or capsules.
  • It is certified gluten-free and contains no artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, dairy, or high fructose corn syrup.
  • Very reasonably priced


  • It contains a relatively small range of vitamins and minerals
  • It features quite a lot of additives


VitaFusion Men’s Multi is, by no means, the best supplement of this kind to increase testosterone. However, if you have real issues swallowing pills or capsules and would prefer using gummies, it can still be a great option to try.

Tropical Oasis Men’s Mega Premium Multivitamin – Best Liquid


Like the last option, Tropical Oasis Men’s Mega Premium Multivitamin is a good option for people who don’t like pills or capsules. It comes in an unflavoured liquid that can be drunk on its own or with your choice of drink or water.

Studies show that its ingredients can support the heart, prostate, brain, and immune system, improve mood, strength, and testosterone levels, and combat the signs of aging and various health concerns.

Unfortunately, this is another product that uses lower doses of its ingredients than are ideal, while others have their dosages and effects hidden in proprietary blends. This is all even though it is also relatively expensive.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, cobalamin, folate, biotin, pantothenic acid, iron, selenium, chromium, citrus bioflavonoids, inositol, para-aminobenzoic acid, choline, coenzyme q10, grape extract, quercetin, aluminum, antimony, barium, beryllium, bismuth, boron, bromine, calcium, cerium, chloride, cobalt, copper, dysprosium, erbium, gallium, holmium, iodine, lanthanum, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, neodymium, nickel, niobium, phosphorus, potassium, praseodymium, rubidium, scandium, strontium, terbium, thorium, titanium, uranium, vanadium, yttrium, zinc, zirconium, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, valine, histidine, arginine, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, tyrosine, cystine, citrulline, cysteine, glutamine, ornithine, taurine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, nettle root extract, ashwagandha root powder, saw palmetto berry, and aloe vera gel 200:1 extract.


  • Contains a vast range of ingredients
  • Unflavoured and very easy to wash down


  • Most ingredient doses are either too low or hidden in proprietary blends.
  • Not all of the ingredients have been conclusively proven to work


Tropical Oasis Men’s Mega Premium Multivitamin will never be the right choice for everyone. However, if you would prefer a liquid that can increase testosterone by being mixed in with whatever you happen to be drinking, it may fit in perfectly with your lifestyle.

MegaFood Men’s One Daily – Best For Metabolic Health


MegaFood Men’s One Daily is a gluten- and GMO-free supplement made from a wide range of micronutrients and whole foods that can increase testosterone levels and exercise performance.

It is specifically designed to support the immune system, improve metabolism, digestion, and gut health, enhance libido, vitality, and energy levels, and boost the health and function of internal and reproductive organs, muscles, and bones.

Unfortunately, as with the previous supplement, many of its ingredients are in relatively low dosages, so they cannot produce full effects. Some of its ingredients are also not conclusively proven to work, which is never ideal, especially not in a supplement as pricey as this one.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic, calciferol, tocopherol, phytonadione, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, boron, organic brown rice, organic orange, organic eleuthero root, organic fo-ti root, organic astragalus root, organic carrot, organic ginger root, organic nettle leaf, organic schizandra berry, organic broccoli head, organic dandelion leaf, organic dandelion root, organic shiitake mushroom mycelium, and organic blueberry


  • Notably, it boosts your immunity, metabolic health, and energy levels
  • Can raise testosterone levels
  • Supports your bones, muscle mass, and reproductive organs


  • Very expensive
  • Not all ingredients are proven to work, and some are used in low doses.


If you want a supplement that benefits your metabolic health and takes nutrients from as many food sources as possible, MegaFood Men’s One Daily is a good option. Just don’t expect it to benefit your testosterone levels or exercise performance as much as some of the previous options we’ve seen.

Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men – Best Vegan Option


Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men is another supplement that only contains one pill per serving. This time, it is also vegan-friendly and soy, dairy, GMO, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, nut, and gluten-free. This means it is suitable for use by almost anybody with low testosterone.

It can notably improve the health and function of your heart, eyes, brain, reproductive organs, muscles, and immune system while enhancing your strength, vitality, testosterone, energy, and blood sugar levels.

However, while it knocks its mineral content out of the park, the rest of its formula leaves a little more to be desired, from its low dosages to a lack of supporting research. This is even though it is pretty pricey.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D3, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, phytonadione, organic blueberry, organic carrot root, organic kale, organic pomegranate, organic raspberry and organic spinach


  • Improves the health of your heart, eyes, immune system, muscles and brain
  • Increases testosterone levels
  • Vegan-friendly and free from most known allergens
  • It only requires you to take one pill each day


  • Quite expensive
  • Outside of the minerals, the formula leaves something to be desired


If you want a mineral-heavy supplement to improve your testosterone levels that fits into the vegan lifestyle, Naturelo One Daily Multivitamin For Men can be a good option. For everyone else, though, this list has far better choices.

New Chapter One Daily Every Man’s Multivitamin – Best Organic Option


New Chapter One Daily Every Man’s Multivitamin is an organic, GMO, and gluten-free supplement with many ingredients. It can benefit the body in many ways, including boosting energy and testosterone levels, supporting the heart and immune system, and reducing stress and sleep issues.

The one issue we must point out is that research lacks several ingredients to prove they work. This means it is impossible to determine how effective they indeed are.

Ingredients: retinol, ascorbic acid, vitamin D3, tocopherol, phytonadione, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folic acid, cobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, organic maca root, organic schizandra berry, organic chamomile flower, organic oregano leaf, organic hawthorn fruit, leaf and flower, organic grapeseed extract, organic eleuthero root, organic astragalus root, organic elderberry, organic ginger root and organic turmeric root


  • Organic, gluten and GMO-free
  • Improves the heart, immune system, and stress, testosterone and energy levels


  • A number of its ingredients need more research to prove they work
  • Quite expensive


New Chapter One Daily Every Man’s Multivitamin contains too many ingredients and has limited research to be the right option for many people. However, if that does not bother you and your focus is finding a purely organic supplement to boost testosterone and your health, it can be a perfect option to try.

Final Thoughts on the 10 Best Multivitamins for Testosterone Support In 2024

Scientific research shows that supplementing with vitamins and minerals can increase testosterone levels far more effectively than eating the right foods. After researching and talking to experts, I found Prime Male T Vitamins the best available supplement today.

Packed with the optimal dose of each of its proven, natural ingredients, it can boost testosterone levels to almost the same extent as a testosterone booster. It is reasonably priced and offers many other benefits that ensure users will notice a big difference in their overall health.
