Boys & Girls Club to receive donated county van

Redmond/Sammamish Boys & Girls Club will receive a retired Metro Vanpool van following approval by the King County Council.


Redmond/Sammamish Boys & Girls Club will receive a retired Metro Vanpool van following approval by the King County Council.

“Donating King County’s used vans is such a great way of assisting worthy non-profit organizations across the county,” said Councilmember Kathy Lambert, who represents the Issaquah & Sammamish area. “These organizations do so much with their limited budgets. A donated van helps extend their services to citizens and assist more people in need without additional expense.”

The retired vans have been part of Metro Transit’s vanpool fleet for at least six years and have reached the end of their service life. When the vans reach this age, they are considered surplus. The vehicles that are not donated are sold.

Since 1996, the County Council has transferred more than 460 retired vans from Metro’s Vanpool program to local nonprofit organizations to provide transportation for the disabled, low-income, young adults, and senior citizens.