Community welcome to celebrate Dawn Appel’s life and show support for the fight against lueke

Sammamish’s Dawn Appel recently lost her battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Sammamish’s Dawn Appel recently lost her battle with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Dawn was a integral part of the Sammamish community, and her passing has saddened the many people who knew her.

Last year, sporting and community groups embarked on a series of fundraisers to help Dawn’s fight against leukemia.

This Saturday, Dawn’s friends and family are holding a reception at the Mary Queen of Peace Church, to celebrate Dawn’s life, and to raise awareness of leukemia and efforts to find a cure. The service is at 12 p.m., and the reception will follow. Any and all will be welcomed at both the service and the reception.

It was Dawn’s wishes that everyone wear something red, both to represent leukemia awareness, and to avoid the typical drab funeral palette.

So throw on what you have — be it a red dress, a tshirt, a scarf, or a flower in your lapel, to say goodbye to Dawn in style.

For read about Dawn and her battle with leukemia, go to