Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger confirmed the 2009 Boards/Commissions appointments during the April 20 City Council meeting, to much applause from council members.
The city has 12 different boards and commissions, such as the Park Board or the Planning Policy Commission, all staffed by more than 100 volunteers. Members of these groups review in-detail important city issues and make recommendations to the City Council about how to proceed.
“It was a pleasure, as always, to go through the review process and see how many talented and confident people we have, and let them know how much they are appreciated,” Frisinger said. “To volunteer is quite selfless and tireless … and this is a very good group of people.”
Frisinger made a total of 41 appointments; including 16 reappointments and 25 new ones. Twenty-three of the spots were for regular positions, 18 were for alternate positions.
“I was extremely impressed with the candidates and the amount of participation that we have in our community,” said Council President Maureen McCary. “It’s just amazing how these citizens are working with us and in support of us.”
She did, however, voice concern over the diversity of boards and commissions members, and suggest that the time and frequency of meetings should be looked at to “throw a broader net” and include people from a wider age range, background, and community involvement.
New appointment terms will begin May 1. Term lengths are typically four years for regular members, and two years for alternates.
Applications for the available 2009 positions were due in late January.
Councilman John Rittenhouse also praised the capability and talent of the community members who applied for positions.
“It’s an embarrassment of riches to see the number of people willing to spend valuable time, and a lot of time, paying attention to some very, very important policy decisions,” he said. “I couldn’t begin to overstate the importance of what the boards and commissions do with respect to making Issaquah better, and we’re so grateful for that support.”
For names and positions of all the appointees, view the complete council packet at