If you were hoping to log some wintertime swimming this season (and who wasn’t?) you may want to take your floaties elsewhere until mid-2015. Julius Boehm Pool closed today to begin extensive renovations that will make the facility more accommodating for persons with disabilities and add other improved amenities.
The renovations are being funded by half of the $10 million park bond approved by voters one year ago, in the 2013 general election.
Changes will include a new plastic pool liner, a more open service reception area, new locker rooms, new benches, energy efficient LED lights and measures to make sure the facility is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
“As well as other items to enhance the ‘wow’ factor of the pool,” Issaquah city Parks Manager Ric Patterson said.
Patterson said he thinks pool regulars will like what they see when the pool is unveiled later next year.
“I hope they’re excited,” he said. “The staff here have been excited about what they’ve seen so far in the designs.”
But for those disappointed they won’t be able to use their home pool for several months, Patterson recommended several other swimming holes in the region, including the Bellevue Aquatics Center, the Bellevue YMCA, the Coal Creek YMCA, Juanita Aquatics, Lindberg High School, Sammamish High School and the Hartman Pool in Redmond.