Braving the brutal cold, the Skyline Key Club and the Sammamish Kiwanis put on a fundraising concert for the the Eastside Baby Corner recently, raising $748.46 and a carload of supplies.
Saturday, members of the Skyline Key Club sang carols in the Pine Lake Shopping Center and on Sunday a Kiwanis-organized brass band played outside Safeway in the Sammamish Highlands Shopping Center.
Eastside Baby Corner in Issaquah provides clothing for infants and children, as well toys, diapers, and other items for families in need.
Eastside Baby Corner was started in 1990 with a mission to collect items used by children from birth to age twelve, and distribute them to care providers.
Kiwanis maintains a drop box for Eastside Baby Corner at Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church, 22818 SE 8th St, next to the office in the church hall.