Officials discuss possible toll on I-405

A group of elected officials and Washington State Department of Transportation staff will meet in Renton on July 29 to discuss the feasibility of adding up to two express toll lanes to Interstate 405 that would connect with HOT lanes on State Route 167.

A group of elected officials and Washington State Department of Transportation staff will meet in Renton on July 29 to discuss the feasibility of adding up to two express toll lanes to Interstate 405 that would connect with HOT lanes on State Route 167.

This is the group’s second meeting as part of an ongoing Eastside Corridor Tolling Study.

The Washington State Legislature included a proviso in the 2009 transportation budget (Senate Bill 5352) directing WSDOT to engage local jurisdictions and the public in a series of work sessions around the possibility of implementing tolled express lanes as part of future I-405 and SR 167 improvements.

The Executive Advisory Group, which includes mayors and other elected officials from communities along I-405 and SR 167, will meet at least four times through November.

WSDOT also will host several public meetings and events throughout the corridor to gather public comment. Public input will be included in a report to the Governor and the Legislature in January 2010.

The meeting agenda includes information on corridor traffic performance and a discussion of tolling study options. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and provide brief comments to the group.

More information and an online comment form are available at: