Open house for Northwest Dogwood Street improvements Tuesday night

The work, which won't begin until May according to the city's website, will consist of two major projects: The replacement of the street's bridge and upgrades to the sidewalks and water main system. Construction on both will take place concurrently over the summer.

The city of Issaquah will host an open house Tuesday night regarding upcoming roadwork to Northwest Dogwood Street, one of the primary arterials connecting Front Street and Newport Way.

The work, which won’t begin until May according to the city’s website, will consist of two major projects: The replacement of the street’s bridge and upgrades to the sidewalks and water main system. Construction on both will take place concurrently over the summer.

The Dogwood Street Bridge, built in 1950, was deemed by an early ’00s Washington State Bridge Inventory System analysis to be too narrow for traffic and in need of “replacement prior to failing,” as written in Issaquah’s current Transporation Improvement Program.

The city completed survey and geotechnical work on the bridge in 2004 and 2006, respectively. The city didn’t make the cut for federal funds in 2008, 2010 or 2011. Funding for the $2.4 million project was eventually granted in 2013.

The bridge design was completed in 2014 and replacement is scheduled for May-October of this year. The new design is wider and will accommodate pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

The concurrent project will replace a current water main on the street — allowing improved firefighting capacity — and move the area’s overhead utilities underground. Sidewalks, landscaping, curbs, gutters, street lights, drainage systems and on-street parking between the bridge and First Avenue Northwest will all receive a facelift.

The open house will take place 6-7 p.m. Jan. 27 in City Hall’s Eagle Room. City Hall is located at 130 E. Sunset Way.