Volunteers for the Issaquah Flatland Community Garden are preparing to get dirty.
Community members gathered Wednesday, April 22 for the third informational meeting about the garden, and laid out plans for the first work party.
The Issaquah School Board voted Wednesday, April 22 to approve a motion laying off 158 teachers after district officials presented a “reduction in force” plan to combat a possible $10.5 million decrease in state funding.
This is the final weekend of six weekend closures for the state Route 520 bridge approach panel repair work.
The State House voted 52-46 on Friday, April 17, to start tolling on the state Route 520 floating bridge as early as this August to pay for it’s replacement.
Starting Monday, May 4 the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will close the HOV express lanes on the Interstate 90 bridge across Lake Washington around the clock for up to three weeks.
A spokesperson for Microsoft has confirmed that the company currently has no plans to begin construction of a campus on the Issaquah Highlands.
The Brock O’Connor College Scholarship fund is now accepting applications for the 2009 scholarship awards.
Teachers, principals and school counselors are starting to report that young children are feeling an effect of the economic stresses of their parents.
Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger confirmed the 2009 Boards/Commission appointments during the April 20 City Council meeting, to much applause from council members.
Five officers responded to a report of a man brandishing a gun at 5:55 p.m. April 17 in the 7200 block of Renton-Issaquah Road Southeast.
The Issaquah City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed 2010/15 Transportation Improvement Program, at the Regular City Council meeting at 7:30 p.m., May 4, in the Council Chambers at 135 East Sunset Way.
Sustainable Issaquah will hold its second community meeting at 7 p.m., on Wednesday, April 29, in the Eagle Room at Issaquah City Hall.
The Sammamish council and city staff will investigate whether or not the people of Sammamish are drawing the short straw when it comes to paying for Eastside Fire and Rescue.
As the global economic downturn continues to impact the people of the Eastside, Sammamish Councilman Mark Cross believes the city could do more to help families that find themselves in crisis.
During the month of March, students at Sammamish Christian School and Noah’s Ark Preschool collected their loose change and donated $665.07 to World Vision.
The City of Issaquah is currently accepting nominations for its 2009 Issaquah Hall of Fame winner.
During the week of March 23-27, the Issaquah History Museums organized a blitz inventory of the Auto Freight Building, where part of the museum collection is stored.
The Reporter is upgrading its calendar submissions process.
To enter an event or meeting, go online to
www.pnwcalendar.com, and follow the prompts to enter the relevant information.
Your event details will appear in our online calendar, as well as in the print edition of your local Reporter, space permitting.
A recently completed survey of “risky student behavior” focuses on physical and mental health, as well as what vices are common, among students in the Issaquah School District — and shows how it stacks up against the rest of the state.
Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger confirmed the 2009 Boards/Commissions appointments during the April 20 City Council meeting, to much applause from council members.