The hunt by police agencies in King County looking for unbuckled drivers and passengers, and cell phone using texters and talkers found plenty of those – and more.
The Click It of Ticket campaign from May 19 to June 1 resulted in 388 tickets for seatbelt infractions in addition to 426 cell phone/texting tickets. Last year, in King County, during this same time period, officers on extra patrols wrote 387 seat belt infractions and 322 cell phone violations.
But the arrests didn’t stop there. One unbelted driver attempted to flee police and crashed his car. A stolen firearm was recovered from the vehicle and the driver and three occupants inside were arrested for outstanding warrants. In addition, 13 DUI, one felony and 10 additional misdemeanor warrant arrests were made during the campaign.
Four minors were arrested for consuming alcohol as a result of a seat belt stop. Five of the six teens in the car were not belted, including the driver who was violating her intermediate driver’s license.
Last year, during the same time period, officers on extra patrols statewide issued 2,963 seat belt violations amongst the 11,666 motorists who were stopped and 1,897 cell phone and texting violations were written.
In King County the Auburn, Bellevue, Black Diamond, Burien, Covington, Federal Way, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Maple Valley, Mercer Island, Port of Seattle, Redmond, Renton, Sammamish, SeaTac, Seattle, Tukwila and Woodinville police departments as well as the Washington State Patrol worked the extra patrols, with the support of the King County Target Zero Task Force and a grant from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission.
The goal of he Target Zero campaign is to end traffic deaths and serious injuries in Washington by 2030.