On Wednesday evening, Jan. 13, the City of Sammamish will hold a public meeting during which it hopes to gather residents’ input on what is needed to make the 244th Ave NE corridor more accessible to pedestrian and bicyclists.
The city’s 244th Ave non-motorized improvement project is scheduled to enter the design stage in Spring of this year, before construction in Spring of 2011.
Wednesday’s meeting, which will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Rachel Carson Elementary School at 1035 244th Ave. NE, will discuss non-motorized improvements between NE 8th Street and NE 20th Street, including a sidewalk and bike lane on the west side of road and widened shoulder on the east.
For more information about the meeting, contact Colleen Rupke of the city’s public works department at 425-295-0565, or e-mail crupke@ci.sammamish.wa.us