Public views sought for East Sunset Way/I-90 interchange

The City of Issaquah is inviting the public to a shoreline meeting on the “East Sunset Way Connection” project at 6 p.m. Jan. 20 in the Baxter Conference Room of City Hall Northwest.

The City of Issaquah is inviting the public to a shoreline meeting on the “East Sunset Way Connection” project at 6 p.m. Jan. 20 in the Baxter Conference Room of City Hall Northwest.

Washington State Department of Transportation has requested approval of a “Substantial Shorelines Development Permit” for the widening of the East Sunset Way connection/interchange by Interstate 90 to accommodate turn lanes; four-foot wide shoulders; curb and sidewalk; and guardrails. Landscaping will be included in the vicinity of East Fork Issaquah Creek, which requires the shoreline permit.

For more information, contact Senior City Planner Jerry Lind at or by phone at (424) 837-3091.