The Sammamish Parks and Recreation Director Jessi Bon started in her new role as the city’s deputy citymanager May 9.
“I’m very excited,” Bon said in a city statement. “And not just because it’s a new professional challenge. Ireally enjoy watching a community make choices, and then getting the chance to work hard on behalf ofthose choices. It’s creative, and tons of fun.”
Her annual salary is $175,445. The now-City Manager Lyman Howard previously held the position, buttook his office in March after former City Manager Ben Yazici retired.
“As Lyman’s deputy, I want to do everything I can to help him execute the city council’s vision,” she said.”As part of that charge, I would love to find ways to make sure we stay efficient, open minded and verymuch in touch with the community.”
Bon joined the city in December 2006. Before that she was the executive director of the Si ViewMetropolitan Park District.
Recruitment for the parks and recreation director will begin soon, Communications Director Tim Larsonsaid.