Every generation has its few outdoor heroes, who work tirelessly to ensure the great natural resources of our mountains, park, rivers and trails are preserved. In Issaquah, legends such as Harvey Manning and Ruth Kees are well known.
It appears their legacy is in good hands, with young men like Sammamish’s Ivan Leniski.
Leniski, 15, will on Friday be awarded a Congressional Award Bronze Medal by U.S. Representative Dave Reichert, recognizing his dedication to the spirit of volunteerism.
The Interlake High School sophomore and honors student earned the award by his significant contribution of more than 100 hours of volunteer work dedicated to local conservation group Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust and the Youth Volunteer Corps.
Ivan said he’d been working toward the award, which is self-nominating, for nearly two years after he first read about it. He credited his parents, Jason and Susana, for helping him focus on his goals.
But most of the hard work in between belonged to him.
“We’ve planned this out pretty methodically,” he said. “It’s hard work — you have to set your mind to it.”
Ivan spent over 123 hours working with Youth Volunteer Corps (part of the Campfire Organization) and local conservation group Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust.
“I like working in the outdoors,” he said.
Over the past year, he’s worked at various sites around Sammamish pulling up invasive plants and weeds, planting trees and potting saplings and native flora. He also serves as a board member for the Youth Volunteer Corps and helps direct volunteer projects his group participates in.
The Congressional Award is open to all 14- to 23-year-olds. Participants earn Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Certificates and Bronze, Silver and Gold Congressional Award Medals.
The award program also promotes personal development, physical fitness and both exploration and expedition, and sets goals for each candidate to achieve for the award.
“It’s a pretty cool program,” said Ivan’s father, Jason. “It helps to develop well-rounded boys and girls.”
Ivan is also an accomplished cross-country and track-and-field athlete, winning athletic letters and qualifying for the state cross-country meet last fall, running the 5,000 meters in 17-minute 25-seconds.
Jason Leniski said the award was a great opportunity for his son to focus on what he feels passionate about, and to do something about it. He said he enjoys hiking with his son, and they will soon begin preparations to scale the heights of Mt. Rainier.
Liniski will receive his award on Friday at the U.S. 8th District offices on Mercer Island.