Sign up for summer school

High school summer school will be held at Issaquah High School for all ISD high schools.

Summer school for Issaquah School District high school students begins on July 8 and continues through August 9, for credit recovery and grade replacement in most core academic subjects.

Classes fill up fast; enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Assess your student’s credits and consider signing up for summer school as soon as possible if he/she has failed a core academic course, is behind in general credits or is interested in improving his/her GPA.

Mail in registration must be postmarked by June 25. Beginning June 26, registration forms must be dropped off at Issaquah High School between 9 a.m. and noon. The last day to register is Friday, June 28 from 9 a.m. and noon at Issaquah High School.

Visit for details.