Toys for Tots donations ready to ‘make a lot of kids happy’

Everything from hula hoops, to board games, sports equipment and Star Wars toys were packed into a U-Haul truck Tuesday ready to make a child’s Christmas morning.

Everything from hula hoops, to board games, sports equipment and Star Wars toys were packed into a U-Haul truck Tuesday ready to make a child’s Christmas morning.

The U.S. Marines, which sponsor the Toys for Tots collection, picked up the donations at the Sammamish Police Department to be delivered to a Pierce County warehouse.

Between now and the Christmas holiday, needy families in contact with the Marines will browse through the collection of toys and pick some out for their children.

“It’s going to make a lot of kids happy and that’s what it’s all about,” Detective Amy Jarboe of the Woodinville Police Department said. “We got quite a few toys this year. We’re always happy when citizens come forward with such generosity.”

Jarboe, formerly with the Sammamish Police Department, spearheaded the Toys for Tots collection in Sammamish, which began in 2005, Sammamish Police Chief Nate Elledge said.

“She does a good job of making this happen,” he said.

Even when she retires from police work, she said the Sammamish staff are happy to have her continue running the Toys for Tots collection.

“It’s an awesome program,” Jarboe said. “It brings a lot of toys to a lot of needy kids.”