Do not re-elect Steve Litzow | Letter

In light of the Legislature's continued failure to comply with the McCleary decision, I hope that voters will not re-elect Steve Litzow (R, Mercer Island) to the 41st District Senate seat.

In light of the Legislature’s continued failure to comply with the McCleary decision, I hope that voters will not re-elect Steve Litzow (R, Mercer Island) to the 41st District Senate seat.

He positions himself as pro-education, but as the chair of the Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee in the Senate, he has not helped drive his party to comply with McCleary.

Instead, he has voted with Republican leadership over 98 percent of the time to stymie efforts to properly address the needs of our children.

As a parent, I am horrified by the differences in opportunities that our children have, based on where they live and their family’s income. I hope that to see those who can vote in the 41st elect Lisa Wellman. She represents our values.

Margo Crandall
