LETTER | More support needed for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

There are more than 100,000 Washingtonians living with Alzheimer’s disease with over 300,000 caregivers. As an Alzheimer’s advocate, it is my privilege to represent them to our elected officials.

There are more than 100,000 Washingtonians living with Alzheimer’s disease with over 300,000 caregivers. As an Alzheimer’s advocate, it is my privilege to represent them to our elected officials.

Although my personal introduction to the disease occurred many years ago following my late grandmother’s diagnosis, its impact on her life, my life, and the lives of her loved ones continues to shape and strengthen my commitment to this important cause.

Many social and medical advancements have been made in recent years; however, many of the challenges my family had to navigate pre- and post-diagnosis are the same challenges other families affected by Alzheimer’s must navigate today.

In addition to being the sixth leading cause of death, Alzheimer’s is also the most expensive disease in the nation, costing families and taxpayers a total of $226 billion in 2015. That number will grow to $1.1 trillion in 2050, potentially bankrupting Medicare in the process.

I want to thank Congressman Dave Reichert for meeting with Alzheimer’s advocates to discuss this crisis. I hope we can count on his support for increasing Alzheimer’s research by $300 million in 2016.

We must simultaneously support the families currently facing this disease. I urge the Congressman to cosponsor the HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act, which will provide critical care planning to people who are newly-diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell should also cosponsor this needed bill.

Concerned citizens should contact Congressman Reichert and ask him to support these key priorities. Visit alz.org/advocacy to get involved with the fight against Alzheimer’s.


Katie Denmark, Issaquah