Apparently good schools aren’t enough in the Lake Washington School District. Too many voters want them cheap as well. While a slight majority of voters approved a $404 million bond for new schools Tuesday, the district needed a 60 percent “yes” vote for the measure to pass.
The defeat could haunt the district for years.
The district, which includes the Sammamish area, expects to see an additional 4,000 students in the next eight years. That’s not surprising. The state just this week honored 25 of its schools with achievement awards. Of them, 17 were singled out for overall excellence.
The bond issue would have built three elementary schools, a middle school and replace and expand Juanita High School. Money also would have gone to build a school focused on science, technology, engineering and math.
Bond opponents want the district to build more affordable schools. We’ll probably see that happen shortly. They’re called portables.
– Craig Groshart, Issaquah & Sammamish Reporter